How can you find cheap flights and flight offers?
Follow these tips and you'll find the best flight offers. At Vueling we want to make it easy for you so you can always find the best prices.
- Be flexible with dates If you haven't decided exactly when you want to travel and you are flexible with dates, compare the prices of several days to find the cheapest.
Make the most of our offers Pay attention and don't miss our flight offers! They usually have specific purchase dates and seats are limited, so you'll need to hurry!
Don't wait until the last minute Buy your flights in advance (ideally two months). It's not always true that prices go down at the last minute. Normally prices go up as the date of the flight gets closer.
Fly off-season
It will always be easier to find cheap flights if you fly off-season, especially in autumn and after Christmas. So make the most of it if you're able to get away then!
Fly at midday and on a weekday
Whenever possible, try to fly at midday, from Monday to Thursday. It's easier to find offers and cheap flights then, and you'll also avoid busy times at the airport.
Save money by booking your bag in advance
If you think you're going to need a checked bag, book it online while you're booking your flight, or when you check in. It will be up to 40% cheaper than at the airport!