Delayed Fly (Ritardo Aereo)


Reduction of the commission retained by the agency in the event of a successful claim or victory.

Pago Subito service at a reduced price.

Delayed fligh (Ritardo Aereo):

Pago Subito:

Delayed fligh (Ritardo Aereo): to be used following a disservice (flight delayed by more than 3 hours, cancellation, loss of connection, damaged baggage, delayed baggage, cancellation of travel due to illness) in order to obtain the regulation pursuant to EC regulation 261/04 and/ or Montreal convention.

Pago Subito: in collaboration with BLUE RIBBON BAGS, to be purchased before departure to obtain the following advantages:

real-time email and SMS updates on the status of your baggage.

Payment up to €600 within 96 hours in the event of a delay of more than 3 hours in the event of application of EC Regulation 261/04

In case of lost baggage, trace the baggage within 96 hours. In case of failure to find payment of € 1000.00 by BRB and possibility of obtaining other compensation from the airline up to € 1200.00