Museum of Broken Relationships

The Museum of Broken Relationships is a joint-author art project of a former couple that showcases objects donated by people from all over the world after the breakup of their relationships. These evocative objects of no apparent value, in the material and artistic sense of the word, are displayed anonymously using the subjective personal stories of their donators as the only text. The concept of displaying intimate love legacy is based on the universality of feelings of love and loss which surpass all cultural and other differences.


Conceptualized in Croatia in 2006, the museum has toured the world extensively and amassed an amazing collection that has its permanent home in Zagreb's Upper Town. In 2011 it was nominated for the best museum in Europe and received the Kenneth Hudson Award as the most innovative and daring achievement that challenges the common perceptions of the role of museums in today's society.


All museum captions accompanying the exhibits are in English and Croatian.

Captions in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese are available

by reading the QR codes.


Free Wi-Fi is available for use in both the museum and the cafe which offers excellent coffee

and an assortment of exquisite local wines and beer.

[email protected] 

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